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Where Hosts Are Located in the USA
Where Hosts Are Located in the USA

Do hosts need to live near a school? Where do we provide homestay? Here's everything you need to know.

Updated over a week ago

Do hosts need to live near a school?

Yes, host families need to live near a school with an international student study abroad program, preferably one of our partner schools. Hosts need to be within a maximum of 60 minutes by public transportation (including walking time) of their international student's chosen school or internship.

For hosts with students under the age of 18, we ask that you are maximum of 45 minutes of driving time to your student's high school. We are always looking for hosts located where there is current international student demand.

Where do we provide homestay?

We are always looking for hosts located where there is current international student demand. It is preferred that host families live in one of our 15 homestay markets, but you can apply to host international students anywhere in the USA! That being said, if you are not located in one of our markets, there may not be many opportunities to host in your area.
​ β†’ Learn more about international student availability.

Below is a list of our 15 homestay locations:

Los Angeles, CA

San Diego, CA

San Luis Obispo, CA

Santa Barbara, CA

Seattle, WA

Boston, MA

New York, NY
Washington D.C.

Arlington, VA

New Jersey

Chicago, IL

Philadelphia, PA

Miami, FL

Tampa, FL

Orlando, FL

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